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A photoblog of my explorations of the natural world.


  1. One of the best photoblog to see and learn about the beautiful nature around us. Great pictures and info. Excellent work!

  2. Hello sir,

    I came across your blog today while searching for few botanical names to write down in my own blog and picasa link, and I was so mesmerized by your pictures that I started reading about everything and I’m very thankful to you for giving us such detail about the plants around us, I was a botany student but couldn’t pursue it as my career, but the love for the flora and the fauna remained.

    I’m very pleased to have come across your blog, and I can name almost any plant in my surroundings now, Thanks a lot.
    I’m not very good at photography but wanted to share my picasa link and would love to have any suggestions from you, only if you please sir.

    Your work is praise worthy, keep it up..!

    Deepthi Nannam

  3. Sir,
    Thanks a lot for your quick reply, and thanks again for having a look at my picasa link, that was very kind of you.
    I use my phone Samsung galaxy wave for the photographs, and do you mind telling me which one you use?
    Deepthi Nannam

  4. beautiful pics.. noteworthy are the ‘ramblings’; crisp, yet informative . awesome work..

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